Aalto University

Aalto University is one of the leading Finnish higher education institutions. Since its foundation in 1849 it has been one of the key training centre in the region. Times Higher Education ranked Aalto University as one of the top-200 universities in the world. Its campus located in Helsinki. Today over 11 thousand students (11% of whom are international ones) study there.

Aalto University has 6 study departments:

  • School of Arts, Design and Architecture
  • School of Chemical Engineering
  • School of Business
  • School of Electrical Engineering
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Science

The university offers 35 bachelor programs and 88 master programs. Most of them are available in English. The students can also choose one of the dual degree programs run in partnership with universities abroad. Tuition fee varies from EUR 12 to 15 thousand euros per year depending on chosen field of study.



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