Bezmialem Vakıf University is a private university located in Istanbul, Turkey. Bezmialem, founded in 1845 by Bezmiâlem Valide Sultan, the wife of Sultan II Mahmud, is one of the first thematic research universities in Health and Life Sciences in Turkey and also a non-profit foundation university which aims to make progress in education, research and health care. It provides education to about 3,500 students and clinical services to 8,000 patients daily with its two main hospitals and three outpatient clinics on both continents of Istanbul.
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Bezmialem Vakıf University offers education services in the faculties of Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Health Sciences, and Vocational School of Health Services. The university has more than 700 academicians. Bezmialem Vakıf University has earned a reputation in the national and international community for its innovative and research-oriented approach to education, gaining respect from all around the world.
Bezmialem Vakıf University’s mission is to train healthcare professionals and scientists through innovative education models by using modern science and technology in light of the values of our civilization; to conduct research that produce real results as products and services; to provide high quality and accessible healthcare services while improving the health level of our society.