Part of Cambridge University, one of the world's leading providers of English language assessments and qualifications for over 100 years. Our wide range of English language exams can help you achieve your goals for study, work and life. They are specially designed to assess how learners use English to communicate in real-life situations.

Our exams

  • General English: КЕТ, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE;
  • Academic English: IELTS
  • Professional English: BEC, BULATS, ILEC, ICFE.

Nowadays Cambridge English exams are accepted by over 20,000 universities, employers and governments around the world. We have approximately 2,800 authorised exam centres in 130 countries and there are more than 52,000 registered preparation centres.

Our exams can open doors to higher education, improve employment opportunities, and because they are globally recognised, can increase learners’ choices for study or work.

During the fair our education professionals can give you a complete information about this exams. Learn the exam's CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level, find the best to you and get to know how to achieve your academic and professional goals step by step.



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