Crimson Education

Regardless of what you are trying to achieve, a successful journey starts with a clear plan. Whether you are aiming to gain admission into a competitive undergraduate programme, or perhaps transitioning into a new career, a well orchestrated strategy is a key ingredient to success.

This is where Crimson’s Academic Advisors come in. Our Academic Advisors are experts in global admissions processes, academic enrichment, and career opportunities. They are able to assess your current level of candidacy and work out the optimal path forward for you, or your child, towards their goal.

During your initial consultation with an Academic Advisor, you will undergo a formal evaluation process to assess your current candidacy and your goals. This will enable your Academic Advisor to propose a preliminary strategy, and our personal recommendations for you.

What you can expect:

  • Formal evaluation of your current candidacy
  • Preliminary advice and strategy
  • Information on admissions and applications processes

What you will need to bring

  • CV/Resume/Activities list
  • Transcript/Academic Results


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