Culinary Arts Academy (Swiss Education Group)

A truly hands-on experience for students who aspire to a career in the culinary field, one of the top culinary schools in the world located on Switzerland.

Our advantages  

  • The finest culinary traditions;
  • State-of-the-art training kitchen and facilities;
  • The latest management methods;
  • Located right in the heart of Europe;
  • Along with passion and dedication, the Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland will provide you with complementary ingredients for a creative culinary career.

Partnerships and paid internships

Between our partners is a legendary 5-star hotel Ritz Paris located in the heart of French capital, University of Derby (the UK), Swiss Hotel School Association (ASEH), Armani Hotel in Dubai and Sandals luxury resorts on the Caribbean Islands. 

All students of the Academy have a paid internship period. During this, they gain 'hands-on' experience in a real-life working environment and receive a practical understanding of how hotels operate at every level. By the way students completing an internship in Switzerland receive a minimum gross monthly salary of CHF 2,172.



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