Duksung Women's University

Educational Philosophy


The social responsibilities assigned to a university will remain unchanged ever although the way and the subjects of education are changing corresponding to the changes in the conditions surrounding the university. That is to say, its responsibility is to produce competent individuals who afford to enjoy their lives independently and at the same time contribute to the society they belong by building up the sound and wholesome personality, higher standards of intellectual ability and professional knowledge. So, hereunder or accordingly, we, Duksung University, pursue to foster the creative intellectuals with noble minds as our fundamental and eventual educational philosophy. A creative intellectual with noble minds refers to a whole human-being, possessing the capability of creative thinking and a moral sense, as well as qualified as a global citizen.


Educational Object

  • Fostering creativeness.
  • Implanting the proper sense of values and living up to these.
  • Building up a competence as a global citizen.


Educational Goals

  • Building up a substantial educational foundation.
  • Extension of the general application capability.
  • Cultivation of the communication skills.
  • Cultivation of the valuation capability.
  • Fostering the sound citizenship.
  • Cultivation of the power of execution.
  • Understanding the national cultural heritages.
  • Enhancement of the ability understanding the various kinds of cultures.
  • Fostering the peace spirits of the humanities.


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