ESSCA School of Management (Study Tour Nigeria)

Founded in 1909, the ESSCA group is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes Ecoles” and accredited by AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA. Today the Group ESSCA is located at 8 different sites: 6 in France (Angers, Paris, Lyon, Bordeaux, Aix-enProvence and Strasbourg), 1 in Budapest, Hungary (since 1993), and 1 in Shanghai, China (since 2006). A total of more than 7,000 students are enrolled in the different locations. All ESSCA students must have international experiences. ESSCA has established partnership with 279 universities in 55 countries all over the world that can welcome ESSCA students for exchange. ESSCA also works with more than 2,500 companies that offer conferences, workshops, projects, internships and job offers to ESSCA students.

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