FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON UNIVERSITY (Viet Duong International Education Development Company)

The largest private university in New Jersey, FDU is a not-for-profit, nonsectarian, multicampus institution. Founded in 1942, FDU achieved four-year status in 1948 and approval as a university in 1956.

The University offers over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs, including doctoral programs in pharmacy, nursing practice, clinical psychology and school psychology; and an AACSB-accredited business school. Degree programs are offered on two New Jersey campuses and at two FDU locations outside the U.S.: Wroxton College, in Oxfordshire in England, and the Vancouver Campus, in British Columbia, Canada.

FDU's 11,500 full- and part-time students pursue quality career-oriented programs on schedules tailored to their needs -- days, evenings and weekends.

The curriculum reflects a mission of global education and a foundation of a world-renowned University Core.



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