Campus France Georgia represents Campus France at the French Institute of Georgia in Tbilisi. Campus France is a public institution that aims at promoting French higher education abroad, to enhance the mobility of foreign students and researchers to France. Apart from promoting international mobility, it manages scholarship programs as well as the alumni network. Georgian students who want to study in France can contact Campus France Georgia to get more information about scholarships and mobility procedures.

French-Georgian University

The French-Georgian University is a project based on the intergovernmental agreement signed in 2018 between the French and the Georgian governments, aiming to develop high-level training offers in Georgia, by offering double degree programs in the strategic sectors of the Georgian economy (tourism, agriculture, etc.). First FGU programs were launched in September 2020. The main aim of the university is to train professionals who have advanced intercultural skills, giving them a possibility to study in several languages, attend courses given by French and Georgian professors and obtaining two - French and Georgian diplomas.



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