"Towards a Bright Future" being the slogan of Istanbul Aydin University, it is not surprising to come across our graduates at the height of their careers. Istanbul Aydin University is both a city and a campus university with its campus located at the center of Istanbul and with its experienced academic staff well-known for their scientific works in our country and the world.

The first thing you will notice when you step into the campus will be its vitality. You may encounter an event at any time of the day in Istanbul Aydın University with constant energy and activity. At IAU, in addition to theoretical training, we know the importance of understanding practical training where you might find yourself in a lead role in a short film, in the middle of conducting a research or you might find yourself accompanying a song-along.

It is not surprising to find IAU students when you go abroad. While Istanbul Aydin University ERASMUS program has many outgoing students, it also welcomes many incoming international students. Being aware of the possibilities in scientific research and superior technology and with "Technological University" principle, taking steps towards foreign languages, food, mechatronic and computer labs students have unlimited access to the most advanced technology. In this context, it is not a coincidence that Istanbul Aydin University has Turkey's largest Techno Center.



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