On November 5, 1804, Alexander I signed a decree on establishing Kazan Imperial University and its Charter. This is the birthday of one of the Russia’s oldest universities that would play a remarkable historical role in the development of Russian science, education and culture.

On October 21, 2009, the President of Russia signed an exe­cutive order on founding Kazan Federal University on the basis of Kazan State University. On April 8, 2010, according to the development project, Tatar State University of Humanities and Education, Kazan State Institute of Finance and Economics and Yelabuga State Pedagogical University were incorporated.

KFU as a federal university is supposed to solve tasks of integrating research, education and industry contributing to the improved workforce and economy in the Volga Region based on fundamental knowledge and high technologies.

The transition period was completed in December 2011 when Senate, a full-fledged management body that represents institutes, faculties and units of all the institutions incorporated into the Federal University, was elected. The Regulations of the unified federal university were formulated, while amendments to the KFU Charter and new collective agreement were adopted.



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