The KazEducation company has been offering students from the Republic of Kazakhstan with the option to receive European education in the centre of Europe – Prague – since 2007 and we have brought more than one thousand students to the Czech Republic. After graduating the courses, the students were admitted to Czech state and private universities.
The seat of the KazEducation company is located in the southern capitol of Kazakhstan, the city of Almaty. We have our bureaus in the following cities: Astana, Atyrau, Aktau, Shymkent, Dzhambul, Karaganda.
KazEducation participates on international conferences, educational fairs and student forums in Kazakhstan every year. We broadened our services and we have been organising Czech and English language courses in Almaty for future students since 2012.
During the long years of its work, KazEducation received many awards and distinctions for the high quality of the provided services, for its professional approach to educational services and its contribution to development of relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Czech Republic thanks to hundreds of young experts receiving quality European education in the Czech Republic.