Koç University is a private Turkish university located in Istanbul. Established in 1993 the university is one of the leading educational institutions in Turkey included in top-40 universities of the world aged 50 years or under. Today more than 5,5 thousand students study there.

Koç University has several academic departments:

  • College of Administrative Sciences and Economics
  • College of Sciences
  • College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • College of Engineering
  • Law School
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Nursing
  • Graduate School of Business
  • Graduate School of Sciences & Engineering
  • Graduate School of Social Sciences & Humanities
  • Health Sciences Institute

The university offers 22 undergraduate programs, 29 master programs and 26 PhD programs. It also has 3 MBA and EMBA courses. The majority of classes at Koç University are taught in English.

The university takes part in a great number of academic exchange programs. It has partnership agreements with many educational institutions around the world including Cornell University, Northwestern University and Georgetown University.



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