Krasnoyarsk State Medical University is a leading higher medical University in Siberia and the Far East region. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University holds 17th place among Medical Universities of Russian Federation and 3rd place in Siberia and the Far East region. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University is a fusion of Leningrad Medical Institute and Leningrad Pediatric dental institute. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University was formed in 1942 as Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute by the Order of the All-Union Committee for Higher Education. Till 1958 Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute had only medical faculty, but in 1958 the pediatric faculty was inaugurated. In 1978, faculty of dentistry, in 1992, faculty for Higher Nursing Education and in 2006, the Faculty of Pharmacy was opened.

In its history Krasnoyarsk State Medical University has trained more than 30 thousand doctors, pediatricians, dentists, managers and organizers of practical public health. In the last five years Krasnoyarsk State Medical University has trained about 2,500 doctors. Currently the university enrolled about 800 students in all faculties.

Krasnoyarsk State Medical University is constantly evolving. In the last five years Krasnoyarsk State Medical University has opened eight new departments, Morphological Centre, Laboratory of Anthropology, Institute of Nutrition, Interdepartmental Biochemical Research Laboratory. Krasnoyarsk State Medical University has implemented new and interesting joint projects on international level together with other universities of Russia, Japan, France, Italy, Germany and other countries. Today Krasnoyarsk State Medical University has 66 departments and staff of 690 professor and teachers.


  • General Medicine;
  • Pediatrics;
  • Stomatology / Dentistry;
  • Pharmacy;
  • Clinical Psychology;
  • Medical Cybernetics and Control in Health Care;
  • Preparatory;
  • Post Graduate education.




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