Москва, ул. Садовая-Кудринская, 9 (м. Баррикадная)

One of the largest law schools in Russia. The university’s history starts in 1931. A major part of Russian jurisprudence élite graduated from the University. 

For years, we have been working with diligence to create a special offer in higher education in the region with establishing of a range of Institutes: Institute of Law, Institute of International Law, Institute of Public Prosecution, Corresponding Law Institute, Institute of Court Expertise, Institute of Permanent Education, Institute of Additional Professional Education, Institute of Financial and Banking Law, Institute of Advocacy, Institute of Energy Law.

Kutafin University is currently integrated into the world education as widening international cooperation is an important policy area in the University’s overall policy.

The University has established international relations with foreign institutes and think tanks of CIS countries, European and Asian nations and the United States of America. Interchange agreements were concluded with the Universities of Bonn, Potsdam, London and Wales.



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