Luleå University of Technology (LTU) is a public Swedish higher education institution established in 1971. Located in the north of the country in the city of Luleå it is one of the leading postgraduate education provider in the region. Today about 15,5 thousand students attend the university.

LTU structure includes several departments and faculties covering 69 research subjects. Mains fields of training are:

  • Civil Engineering, Mining and Geotechnical Engineering
  • Exploration and Environmental Geosciences
  • Earth Atmosphere and the Solar System
  • Georesources Engineering
  • Information Security
  • International Business
  • Maintenance Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Music Performance
  • Space Science and Technology
  • Spacecraft Design

LTU mostly offers master programs. Tuition fees for non-EU students are about EUR 6,5 thousand per semester. All courses are English-taught.



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