Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics

Москва, ул. Нежинская, 7

Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) founded in 1932 is nowadays one of the top Russian universities that combines wide experience and strong scientific traditions with innovative process of training professionals in economics, management, statistics, information technology, law and humanities. Appealing to the Russian and Moscow annual ratings, MESI is traditionally among the best educational institutions.


MESI today is a venue for 100 thousands students including foreign learners from 52 countries. MESI is an innovative complex, which has a network of more than 30 regional branches located in different parts of Russian Federation and abroad.


Being an educational and research center MESI consists of the following key departments:

  • Institute of Management;
  • Institute of Economics and Finance;
  • Institute of Computer Technologies;
  • Institute of Law and Humanities;
  • Institute of Master Programs (Business School);
  • Institute of Lifelong Learning;
  • Research Institute for Knowledge Management;
  • Research Institute for Quality Management.

One of the main aims that MESI pursues is implementation of the Lifelong Learning (LLL) concept. The University builds this implementation on two core principles: 

  • continuity of learning;
  • education for anyone, anywhere and anytime.

In accordance with the idea of LLL MESI offers educational programs of almost all the levels – from pre-secondary and pre-higher school courses to postgraduate and doctorate studies and business trainings.


The principle of education for anyone, anywhere and anytime is realized owing to the e-learning environment implemented in MESI. The system allows students to access learning content 24/7/365 regardless of their location and physical abilities.


For more than seven years MESI has been providing education for the disabled using the latest computer technology and the customized educational programs and methodology.


MESI is a founder of interuniversity network “International e-University Consortium”. Its participants collaborate for sharing ideas, scientific and research results and best practices in e-learning and knowledge management, and follow international trends in the development of modern learning technology.



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