MSM, The International Union of Youth

The International Union of Youth (Mezinárodní Svaz Mládeže z.s.) is established in Prague, Czech Republic in 2007 and registered in the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic with the branch offices in Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Priority activity of MSM is providing the study abroad, both in the Czech Republic and in other countries of the world.

During the long years of work, the International Union of Youth has perfectly proven itself in the market of international education. The company provides assistance in entering the best Czech schools and universities, provides professional consultation in the field of educational programs and foreign language courses, helps preparing all documents for visa application, supervises students during their trainings, organizes cultural, sports and adaptation programs during the study, organizes internships and MBA programs.

The advantage of working with MSM is the company’s rich experience in realization its own study programs abroad – in Prague, Czech Republic. Every year MSM hosts more than 2,000 students in Prague. The International Union of Youth knows what is the most important while studying abroad for both students and their parents, because it provides educational services by itself. Such experience helps the company to select the best qualitative educational institutions abroad.



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