Novosibirsk State University was established by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 9, 1958, six months after the decision to found the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

On September 29, 1959 Academician S.L. Sobolev gave the first lecture to students of the new University.

The University was growing up together with Novosibirsk Scientific Center focusing on training highly qualified specialists for science and education.

Since the establishment the total number of NSU graduates has exceeded 50 000. More than 6 000 of them have defended their Ph.D. theses, over 1600 have been awarded Doctor’s degree. 48 graduates of NSU became full members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Among the University graduates there are many laureates of prestigious world awards and prizes such as Fields Medal, EPS Europhysics Prize, etc. There are also more than 100 laureates of the Lenin and State Prizes, the Prizes of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Russian Federation, Presidential Awards in Science and Education, the Prize of the Russian Federation Government as well as prizes of eminent scientists. Among graduates of NSU there are top businessmen and entrepreneurs as well as managers of large enterprises and academic research organizations.

The feature of NSU is the system of competitive selection and training of talented young people. NSU is the only University in Siberia with the developed multilevel system of continuing education. The system of selection and training of highly qualified specialists consists of Olympiads, correspondence schools on various subjects, winter and summer schools for students and applicants as well as undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate training at NSU.

Mikhail P. Fedoruk
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor



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