Semmelweis University

Semmelweis University, located in Budapest, Hungary, is one of Central Europe's leading medical institutions, with over 250 years of excellence in higher education, healthcare, and research.

Fields of study:

  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Medicine & Health Science

Programs offered:

  • Master
  • PhD
  • Foundation/Pathway
  • Non-degree programs
  • Short-term programs

Annual tuition fee range: From USD 5000 to 15000 per year

With a diverse international community, students from over 110 countries make up one-third of the 16,000-strong student body. Semmelweis offers programs in three languages — Hungarian, English, and German — making it a truly global institution.

In addition to medical education, the university is actively engaged in vocational training, postgraduate specialisation, and the development of future scientists, nurturing talent across multiple disciplines. Semmelweis University stands as a pillar of academic and research excellence in both Hungary and the broader global medical community.



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