SKEMA Business School (Study Tour Nigeria)

With 10,000 students of more than 130 nationalities and 54,000 graduates in 145 countries, SKEMA Business School is a global school which, through its research, its +70 teaching programs, its international multi-site structure trains and educates the talents that 21st century businesses need.

The school is now present on 9 sites: three campuses in France (Lille, Sophia-Antipolis and Paris), three in China (Suzhou, Nanjing and Shanghai), one in the United States (Raleigh), one in Brazil (Belo Horizonte) and one in South Africa (Stellenbosch - Cape Town).

In September 2019, the school announced the establishment in Montreal of the SKEMA Global Lab in Augmented Intelligence, its augmented intelligence research laboratory and its new R&D center: SKEMA Quantum Studio.

SKEMA is multi-accredited - Equis, AACSB and EFMD Accredited EMBA. Its programs are recognized in France (Visa, Master Degree, RNCP, CGE label), as well as in the United States (licensing), Brazil (certificação) and China.



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