The largest scientific and educational center of the South of Russia, traces its history back to 1915. Since 2006 became the University of Federal significance, which combines four universities of Rostov-on-don and Taganrog. 

Now it's s a modern research university with emphasis on innovations and entrepreneurship and one of the leaders in the field of international cooperation among higher educational institutions of Russia.

  • Undergraduate, specialist, graduate, postgraduate and vocational education. Full-time and part-times forms of training. 

  • 90 research areas: biotechnology, IT, space-rocket engineering, architecture and art, Economics, law, management, journalism and many others.

  • 870 of joint publications with foreign scientists, more than 300 co-op projects with leading universities in the world.

  • 16 dormitories for students, designed for approximately 6,000 students.

  • We have programs in English, affiliate programs with European universities, language courses, summer and winter schools.



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