Study in China

A fast-paced economy, China is forecast to leave the USA behind in 10 years. The country’s economy ranks second in the world in terms of its size, and Chinese is one of the most spoken languages in the world today.

Why Study in China?

  • English-Taught Programs

Many colleges and universities in China offer both Chinese and English-taught programs.

  • Western Certificates — Study & Accommodation in China

Many prominent universities and colleges of the USA, Canada, and Europe have campuses in China. Students may embark on their programs in China and graduate or pass to a new level in another country. It is cost effective, as study and accommodation in China are cheaper that in most Western countries.

  • Huge Investments in Education

Education is one of the priorities in China. The government’s annual expenditure on it reaches 4% GDP. Only the USA is still way ahead of the country in terms of this figure. Since 1999, China has scaled up the number of enrolled students, which puts it among top 5 countries in terms of the number of foreign students.

  • High-Quality Teaching

Chinese universities excel among BRICS countries according to THE and ASWU rankings. They not only lead the pack, but leave other countries behind in terms of the number of their ranked HEIs.

  • Friends from 100 Countries & Lucrative Jobs

The total number of foreign students in China exceeds 300,000 people from 175 countries creating a truly multinational climate. Due to the China’s leading positions in the global economy, its networking with such partners as India and Russia expands.



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