Study in Latvia

Fields of study:

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Animal Sciences
  • Arts, Design & Architecture
  • Business, Management & Law
  • Engineering, Maths, IT, Sciences & Technologies
  • Hospitality, Culinary Arts & Tourism
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Medicine & Health

Programs offered:

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD

Latvia is a safe and welcoming country with a rich cultural heritage, offering space and opportunities for everyone. It lies on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea.

Universities and other higher education institutions in Latvia run both academic and professional programs on different levels.

Why study in Latvia?

  1. English-taught programs. Most of international programs delivered in English. Studying in English is possible on both Bachelor's and master's levels.
  2. Great quality for a fair price. Studying in Latvia provides opportunity to get an internationally-recognized qualification and start an excellent career. Still, the prices for studying in the country are friendly. Moreover, the cost of living in Latvia is relatively low, so students can cover their expenses easily.
  3. Scholarships. In accordance with bilateral agreements between the Latvian government and a few countries, Latvia offers scholarships to foreign students and researchers.
  4. Developed infrastructure. Latvia has a well-equipped tech environment, highly developed transport services, and high-capacity internet. In a small country, it is also very easy to get contacts and build a career, regardless of age or previous job experience.
  5. Dynamic early entrepreneurship. One of Latvia’s competitive advantages is its dynamic and rapidly growing start-up environment. Newcomers offered a pool of business incubators and co-working spaces, a diverse range of institutional investors and business angels, as well as social gatherings and meetups.
  6. Multicultural atmosphere. Located on the Baltic Sea, Latvia is somewhat of a crossroads between East and West. In this cosmopolitan country a lot of languages spoken: Latvian, Russian, German, and of course English.


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