Study tourism and hospitality on the Mediterranean coast, in the heart of Antalya.

The Academy of Tourism in Antalya is accredited by American Hotel and Lodging Educational Institute (EI-AH & LA). The education system is based on EI-AHLA, BKF educational programs and combines the best traditions and vast experience of international education in this area. Special attention is paid to foreign languages studies. Undergraduate (Bachelor) program is based on the one of the University of Applied Sciences.


  • Hotel Management;
  • Food & Beverage Management;
  • Economics.


  • Three Diplomas: Turkish, American, European.
  • Bachelor Degree for 3 years (after 9th Grade for 4 years).
  • Tutoring in Russian or English.
  • Advanced level of foreign languages (English, Turkish and German).
  • A chance for internship and employment abroad (Canada, the USA, China, Australia), as well as in Turkey.
  • Students're living in the prestigious world famous Lara region.



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