Public university located in the heart of small city Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada. Studying at TRU have already chosen more than25 748 students, 10,2% of them are international.

At TRU you’ll find many paths to reach your goals with many learning options and individualized student services. You can study on-campus and online, in and out of the classroom, across programs, even around the globe – leading to careers in trades, healthcare, hospitality or technology. Entrepreneurship, law, science, social work or the arts.

Join our students' community from diverse backgrounds and enjoy high-quality education, clubs, concerts and events, WolfPack games and student gathering spaces like the Independent Centre and the Learning Commons.

Be involved, be welcome, be a true student!

  • 140 on-campus programs, 60 Open Learning programs in health, tourism, trades, science, business and more.

  • Full support for students: Academic Advising, Writing Centre, Math Help Centre, Disability Service, Food Bank, Medical Clinic, Wellness Centre and another services. 

  • Hands-on, experiential learning – in the lab or in the field, in the workplace or volunteering in the community. 

  • 40 countries to study abroad during the student exchange programs.

  • An access to great minds and inspiring ideas. Here you can find different useful career networking events, conferences to distinguished guest speakers, lectures and so on.

  • Follow your passions in one of more than 100 student clubs – from Yoga and Geography to Model UN and Aboriginal Drum Circles.



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