Tokyo International University

Tokyo International University was founded in 1965 with a focus on business and commerce, and upon earning accreditation from the Ministry of Education (MEXT) the college has grown into a private university that now encompasses six undergraduate and four graduate schools. In addition, TIU has been sister schools with Willamette University in Salem Oregon since the beginning, and has also developed deep relationships with other renowned universities across the globe.

Fields of study:

  • Business, Management & Law
  • Humanities & Social Sciences

Programs offered:

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD

Staying consistently true to its educational philosophy of "nurturing truly international-minded people," TIU is constantly expanding its practice-oriented education. The University boasts a highly international learning environment: of TIU's approximately 6,500+ students, over 1,400 are international students from 75 countries around the world.



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