University of Szeged

The University of Szeged, dating back to the 16th century, is one of Hungary’s most prestigious and competitive universities, consistently ranked among the nation's best. With a student body of 25,000, approximately 20% are international students from around 130 countries. The university is renowned globally for its educational and research excellence in natural sciences.

Fields of study:

  • Agriculture, Forestry & Animal Sciences
  • Business, Management & Law
  • Engineering, Maths, IT, Sciences & Technologies
  • Humanities & Social Sciences
  • Medicine & Health

Programs offered:

  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD
  • Foundation/Pathway
  • Short-term
  • Non-degree

The University of Szeged comprises 12 faculties: Arts, Law, Economics, Agriculture, Engineering, Music, Natural Sciences and Informatics, Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Health and Social Studies, and Teacher Training.



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