Wonkwang Health Science University

Wonkwang Health Science University is an educational institution under the strong Wonkwang foundation, consisting of: Wonkwang University, Wonkwang Digital University, and Wonkwang

Health Science University Corporation. In order to meet the globalization era and to provide the best workforce that could contribute well to the demands of the growing society, WHSU Representative Office was opened in Beijing and Shanghai, China and in Cebu City, Philippines. 



These overseas representative offices in China and in the Philippines aim to promote educational, health, welfare, charitable and cultural projects and are currently establishing a tertiary educational institution to serve academic purposes and objective-oriented ideologies that would further improve the quality of education and culture between China and the Philippines. 


Wonkwang Health Science University continues to expand its global talents through sending able students for abroad studies. This is made possible through recommendations by foreign teachers and completing a one-semester Special English Class. Selected students get the opportunity to do business travels, join English Camps, and undergo foreign language trainings, field trainings and internships abroad. These students also take part in volunteer activities such as medical missions and community extension programs, wherein they offer medical services and medical supplies to assigned areas. Such services depend on the student’s field of specialization.


WHSU, with its ongoing thrust for promoting a world-class education, continues its expansion programs and exchanges to China, the Philippines, Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States in the future. WHSU also establishes strong educational linkages to developing countries such as Nepal, Mongolia and Cambodia.



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