Wright State University is American private higher education institution located in Ohio. Established in 1967 it plays an essential role in region’s higher education system. Today more than 15,5 thousand people with more than 5,3% international students among them study there.

The university trains specialists of different fields. It includes several departments:

  • Boonshoft School of Medicine
  • College of Education and Human Services
  • College of Engineering and Computer Science
  • College of Liberal Arts
  • College of Nursing and Health
  • College of Science and Mathematics
  • Raj Soin College of Business
  • School of Professional Psychology

In total the university offers 106 bachelor programs, 69 master programs, 19 PhD programs, several MBA programs and a great variety of certificate, license and associate degree programs. The average tuition fee is 9 thousand dollars per semester.

Wright State University campuses have all kinds of facilities for studying and living. The university has a long tradition of fraternities and sororities and a lot of sports activities. It also offers more than 50 research labs and centers of excellence.



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