Yeditepe University was founded in 1996 by the Istanbul Education and Culture Foundation (ISTEK). In line with Atatürk's principles and with the contribution of pioneering and distinguished academic and administrative staff, Yeditepe University aims to educate students who are inquisitive, innovative, well-equipped with technological skills, well-acquainted with world culture, equipped with all the qualifications required by the business world and who have a solid identity. With its up-to-date academic programs and training, Yeditepe University offers an education compatible with the expectations of the information age.

Yeditepe University carries out its academic mission through the School of Applied Sciences, and 13 faculties namely the Faculties of Dentistry, Pharmacy, Education, Arts and Sciences, Law, Economics and Administrative Sciences, Communication, Engineering, Architecture, Health Sciences, and Medicine, entailing 64 undergraduate programs. 74 Master’s degree programs, and 33 PhD. programs are also offered under the Graduate Schools of Atatürk’s Principles and History of Revolution, Educational Sciences, Natural and Applied Sciences, Health Sciences and Social Sciences. Located in “26 August Campus", Yeditepe University, an English-medium university, educates young people coming from every corner of Turkey.

The most important aspect making Yeditepe University unique among the other universities is that it provides all its students with academic quality, social opportunities, foreign language education and campus facilities in global standards. That the language of instruction is English and 7 different languages are offered as a second language make its graduates keep one step ahead. Providing academic studies ranging from physical sciences to social sciences, from fine arts to health sciences and educational sciences, Yeditepe University offers its students the opportunity to earn a double major or a minor and to study abroad in order to meet the requirements of the developing world.   



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