International Education Fair

Astana, 30 September 2023, 12.00–16.00

The Ritz-Carlton Astana, 16 Dostyk St.

Register now to get your free invitation!
Do you want to study abroad or participate in a student exchange?

At the International Education Fair, you can find out how to achieve this goal!. Studying abroad is a unique experience that will offer you new and exciting perspectives. Universities, colleges, language schools, and private schools from all over the world will be in Astana to present their study programmes and help you plan your future.

Meet Admissions specialists from Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA and other countries.
Attend seminars and presentations of study programmes offered by educational institutions from around the world.
Get advice on international exams, preparation courses, language training programms, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, and MBA programs.
Learn more about international admission requirements in 2023/24 and scholarship opportunities.
Meet Admissions specialists from Australia, Canada, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Greece, Latvia, Malaysia, Poland, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, USA and other countries.
Attend seminars and presentations of study programmes offered by educational institutions from around the world.
Come and join us to find out about:
Bachelor and Master programs you can join
IB/A-Level programs, international exams, summer schools and much more
Admission requirements and application deadlines
Visa support, tuition fees, financial aid
Internship opportunities and career prospects
Living abroad and building a global network of contacts
List of participants
  • University of Sydney
  • University of Technology Sydney
  • Webster Vienna Private University
  • ADA University
  • St. Lawrence College
  • Guangdong Ocean University
  • Ningxia Medical University
  • Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies, Charles University
  • University of Tartu
  • EIIE EURASIA Institute
  • Budapest Business University
  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • John von Neumann University
  • University of Pécs
  • University of Szeged
  • Saint Louis Music College
  • KIMEP University
  • Riga Technical University
  • Turiba University
  • Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU)
  • Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)
  • James Cook University
  • Geneva Business School
  • Swiss Education Group (César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland, Hotel Institute Montreux, Swiss Hotel Management School)
  • Halİç University
  • Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence
  • Foothill and De Anza Colleges
  • Iowa State University
  • Troy University
  • Crimson Education
  • Education Сentre «KZ Study»
  • Logos Group. Education Сenter
  • Ashford School
  • Brillantmont International School
  • EF Academy, International Boarding Schools
  • Exupery International School
  • North Cedar Academy
  • Queen Ethelburga's College
  • Schloss Krumbach International School
  • St. Peter's School Hainan
  • Swiss International Scientific School in Dubai
  • Taunton School
Your 5 Steps to U.S. Study
Raushan Uzakova; EducationUSA
UNIC Cyprus – Ideal Study Destination
Evgeniya Kasyan, Regional Counselor CIS; University of Nicosia, Cyprus
How to Get Free Higher Education in the Czech Republic?
Oxana Kravchenko, Anatoliy Chernoussov; The Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies of Charles University, Czech Republic
Еducation in Austria
Elnora Guenes; Canelli GmbH, Study abroad agency
Join Business Consulted Studies and Earn EU Recognized Diploma
Tatiana Polak, WSB Poznań; Dominika Bargieł, WSB Chorzów; Katarzyna Błaszczyk, WSB Warsaw, Poland
How Can a High School Student from Kazakhstan Get into Harvard, MIT, Wharton: Sharing Success Stories of >150 Lever Graduates
Svetlana Dotsenko, Lever CEO, Harvard Graduate; Lever Tutoring
The Benefits of Studying at KIMEP
Assem Beisembinova; KIMEP University, Kazakhstan
International Sponsorships, Support and Scholarship’s Opportunities at the University of Sydney
Anna Kirkham; University of Sydney, Australia
Brief Introduction of the University of Pécs with a Special Focus on the Faculty of Business and Economics
Ms. Réka Battyáni, International Co-ordinator at the Faculty of Business and Economics; University of Pécs, Hungary
Study in English in France
Representative of Сampus France, Kazakhstan
How much does it cost to attend the fair?
Both registration and entry to the fair are free for visitors.
What will I learn at the fair?
You will learn about various institutions and study programs they offer, admission requirements and deadlines, scholarships, campus life, and much more. You can connect with admissions reps and get answers to all your questions.
What is the language of the fair?
Participants will communicate with visitors in English, while interpreters will help with translation into local languages.
Will I be able to get a scholarship?
Tuition fees vary across different institutions, but most of them offer financial aid. Please note that even if you become a scholarship holder, you will need to cover all living expenses. Full scholarships are very rare.
Where can I find the information about participating institutions?
You will see the list of participating institutions when you register for the fair.
Should I come to the opening of the fair? What will happen if I am late?
You can come at any time during the working hours of the fair.
Can I bring someone else with me to the fair?
Yes, but make sure your companion also registers for the fair (unless he/she is your family member).
Register Now to Get Your Free Invitation
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